Changing lives: Dreams come true: move from India to the Netherlands

Changing lives from India to the Netherlands

Sudipto got a job at a great company in The Netherlands and moved from India within 10 weeks

 Sudipto and I had our first call on the 30th of May in 2021. Sudipto was in India and really wanted to move to Europe, preferably to either the Netherlands or Germany. I could quickly help Sudipto articulate what his capabilities and experience were, and more important – what he really wanted in life.

Once we started the program, nothing could stop Sudipto anymore. We created his CV, his LinkedIn, did mock interviews, found jobs together on LinkedIn and we approached people to get him that interview – through specific approaches and scripts.

India delivers every year more Engineering graduates than the world can handle, so standing out and having a Dutch company take “the bet” to relocate Sudipto from India and get his Visa etc. etc. was a HUGE challenge. But within 10 weeks we managed to get him a job at one of the biggest technical companies in Europe – based in the south of the Netherlands. Coming from India (or any country actually) you cannot just apply through the address or through the regular application channels. My unique approach has proven itself successful time after time again and Sudipto his story is a great example of this.

Sudipto, to get hired in the Netherlands and being relocated from India directly was a huge accomplishment and you and I can bot be proud of this. Hard work pays off. Enjoy your time in the Netherlands and welcome to Europe. Once you are in, you are in! Together we changed your life! Cheers to many years in Europe!

Below are pictures and screenshots of 5-star reviews from Sudipto

Sudipto got a job at a great company in The Netherlands and moved from India within 10 weeks
Coaching program to change your life and get your dream job in your dream country
Coaching program to change your life and get your dream job in your dream country
Coaching program to change your life and get your dream job in your dream country
Coaching program to change your life and get your dream job in your dream country
Coaching program to change your life and get your dream job in your dream country