Landing a dream job in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates

Luis got a great job in Dubai, UAE and moved from Portugal within 8 weeks

Luis got a great job in Dubai, UAE and moved from Portugal within 8 weeks

Luis and I had our first call on the 8th of August in 2021. Luis was feeling stuck in his current job and life in Portugal. He was basically a waterfall of words. He shared his concerns, frustrations, dreams, and emotions. I helped Luis to summarize his story and dream outcome in bullet points and told him we would get him a dream job in no time if we would work together.

According to Luis, nobody has ever had such impact on him after just 1 phone call. This resulted in more sessions in which I created a tailormade plan for Luis and mentored Luis throughout the implementation. I taught Luis how to leverage all his skills and capabilities and the best practice on how to position this.

Luis moved from Portugal to Dubai, UAE – exceeding his desired salary by far – and started his new job the 1st of October 2021, not even 2 months after our first call! In October 2021 I visited Luis in Dubai, and we had dinner together. We still stay in touch today and I am proud to continue mentoring Luis. Luis is Chief Marketing Officer at one of Dubai’s biggest car sales and real estate companies of Dubai. He has won multiple awards over the last years and has even started an MBA.

Luis, I am so proud of you. In no time we completely changed your life and we keep working together! Keep up the great work.

Below are pictures and screenshots of 5-star reviews from Luis:

Luis dinner in Dubai
Landing Luis his dream job in Dubai in the UAE
Luis in Portugal 1
Luis in Portugal 2